Monday, September 10, 2018

Blog #3: Where I'm From

Where am I from, you ask?

I’m from San Diego,
from white, warm beaches and clear blue skies,
to the rare sight of rain that blocks the sun from my eyes.

Me and my sister on the left image. 
My sis, mom, and grandma on the right image

I’m from a family,
with a sister plus a mother plus a grandma, we make four,
all full of love and affection, I couldn’t ask for anymore.

I’m from the weekends,
from a moment’s rest with Saturday cartoons and junk food
with Sunday mass, but also last week’s homework to bring down my mood.

I’m from the gym,
With my coaches and drill instructors wearing me out

High School Air Force JROTC Armed Fancy Drill Team 09-10
I'm sixth from the left.

I’m from school,
With the SATs, the AP tests, and make or break Finals,
But my Armed Drill team buds and track friends made it all worthwhile.

I’m from Louisiana and the Philippines,
Cajun fried chicken and crawfish fills my soul
And lumpia and pancit can really fill a hole (my stomach).

I’m from pennies and one-dollar bills,
Bought clothes at thrift shops, didn’t care they were outmoded
Recycled cans and water bottles just to keep my wallet loaded.

I’m from a fantasy,
DC and Marvel comics, cartoons, films, I’ve seen them all
Japanese Anime I binge each day, as addicting as alcohol.

I’m from all these moments,
from a younger self, a naïve, an immature, and ungraceful past,
full of lessons, full of memories, a history I’ll forever hold steadfast.


  1. Hey there Kendall! To start off, nice job with the rhyming part on the poem! I wouldn't have been able to make my poem rhyme and make it sound so smoothly like you did. From your poem, I can tell that you love spending time with your family as much as you love your Armed Drill team. Very cool that you're from Louisiana, I've always wanted to visit there and try their food! I can relate with you when you recycle cans and water bottles to get some quick extra cash. Keep up the catchy rhyming and great job!
    - Jenny

  2. Hi Kendall!
    Your poem did perfectly portrayed how all your different cultures all come together to make up who you are and it included so many of your hobbies and activities, which to me tells me that you are a hard working and value putting in work in order to get what you want. Also, I completely agree with Jenny! The first thing that caught my attention was your rhyming which I was super impressed with. I thought about doing that with my own poem but couldn't make it work and so far, from the poems I have read, yours is the only one that rhymed! Which I thought was pretty cool.

    -Sivan Zuzan

  3. Hey Kendall
    I really liked how lightweight and fun your poem was!
    It was so easy to follow and has spot on imagery, and of course the images definitely helped!. We could picture the beautiful San Diego environment and weather, our hear your instructors motivating you at the gym. Also, great job at making your poem rhyme, I honestly didn't even think about doing that, very smart! You did a great job showing how everything and everyone that has surrounded you has shaped you into the person that you are today!
    Awesome job,
    Julianna Jimenez
